Notice of meeting to all shareholders of shabelle Bank S.c

Shabelle bank share company will conduct its 2nd ordinary general meeting in December 24, 2023 at 9:00 AM at the Qaryan dhodan meeting hall in Jigjiga and its board of directors cordially invites its shareholders or their proxies to attend this meeting on the specified date, time and place.

Name of the share company Shabelle Bank S.C

Type of the share company Share company engaged in bank business

Paid-up capital of the share company 594,930,000

registration number of the share company NBE/TM/025/2021

Head office address of the share company Jigjiga city, kebele 06, Shabelle business center, 5th floor

Agendas for the ordinary meeting

Nominating and approving the tellers of the meeting

Ascertaining the quorum of the meeting

Approving the agendas of the meeting

Accepting new shareholders and approving the transfer and purchase of existing shares

Hearing the report of the board of directors for the year 2015E.C and approving it after deliberations

Hearing the recommendations relating to the allocation and distribution of profits of the budget year (2015E.C) and passing resolutions after deliberations;

Appointing the members of the board of directors to serve in place of the members of the board who have resigned

Appointing external auditors who will serve from 2023/24 (2016) to 2025/2026 (2018) fiscal years and determining their service fees

Discuss and approve the renumeration for the members of the board of directors in the year 2023/24 (2016)

Election of the board of director’s nomination and Election committee

Discuss and approve the renumeration for the board of director’s nomination and election commitee.

Approve the procedure for nomination and election of board of directors

Hearing and approving the minutes of the meeting


Shareholders who will not be able to attend the meeting personally shall fill and deposit their proxy at the head office of the bank located in jigjiga, Shabelle business center building 1st floor, 3(three) working days before the meeting

Shareholders or their proxies shall come to the meeting with their renewed IDs or passport that shows their identity and the fact that they are of Ethiopian nationality or Ethiopian by birth. shareholders represented by corporate shareholders shall also come up with legally acceptale documents that show their authorization to participate and vote in the meetings

Agents who hold duly authenticated power of attorney from a shareholder can participate in the meeting by presenting a copy and the original of the power of attorney.

Board of Directors

Shabelle Bank S.C.

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