Who We Are

We like to challenge status quo, we are curious and we love to trailblaze uncharted territories of market problems.

ARAYA Venture Lab (AVL) is a Venture Builder that tries to solve value chain bottlenecks and market inefficiencies in 4 sectors (Agri/agroprocessing, Education, Heath, Real Estate).

Many of our most pressing business problems in the country and the continent have tested technological or technical solutions in some other parts of the world. These solutions just need to be sought-after and adapted to our local context and realities on the ground. This approach can not only help us bridge the technological and technical gap in the country compared to the rest of the world, but it can also ignite our creativity and leapfrog into uncharted territories . The exposure will inspire, challenge and create new perspectives that will allow us to innovate and find home-grown solutions to our problems and beyond.

AVL was born with a firm belief that if we take our problems seriously and get to know them intimately with an inquisitive mind, the solutions can only be found!


Our vision is to build a portfolio of innovative ventures that challenge status quo and create inclusive wealth in Africa.


Our mission is to provide tech-enhanced creative solutions to industry value chain problems & market inefficiencies in agro-processing, Education, Health & Real Estate sectors through a culture of experimentation, critical thinking, continuous improvement, and partnerships while also improving Business Systems and Efficiency.


Our philosophy is based on four core values, which are at the forefront of our actions & guide us in our everyday life: Creativity, Innovation, Inclusiveness & Integrity.

Our VALUES in Action…

We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world and our core values are our enduring beliefs that remain steadfast and keep us anchored to our true self.Our core values are both our ethical principles and aspirations that guide our actions toward achieving our vision. These principles are not meant to restrict the individuality of our team members but to foster expression of self within a strong ethical foundation and a common ground. They are more than words; they define us, and they are at the forefront of our actions.


The Power of Creativity.
“We are committed to think Solution”

There is a pressing need to think and do different in Africa. At AVL, we refuse to settle for mediocrity, shy away from problems and stay content on doing things the way they are always being done. We embrace challenge, we persist in the face of adversity, we see effort as the path to mastery and we learn from our failures. Creativity is the backbone of our company and what allows us to navigate through the world of problems, to channel our imagination that transcend traditional ideas and unleash the potential of our minds.


The Power of Innovation.
“We are committed to create value”

Challenging status quo and leaving no room for complacency is in our gene. Our team constantly looks for ways to break barriers, face problems head on and craft innovative solutions to stay relevant.

We are determined to serve through continuous improvement, innovation and customer centric value creation. We capture our creativity into innovative systems and turn them into sustainable commercial successes.


The Power of Inclusiveness.
“We help each other to thrive”

We believe that sustainable progress and profitability involves a balance between the well-being of our Team, the satisfaction of our Clients and our contribution to the Society we operate in.

We are passionate about people, and we believe in working together as a team contributing each our unique genius. We value diversity of ideas, opinions and critical thinking. We are committed to making sure our ventures create value to all stakeholders.


The Power of Integrity.                                                                                                                 “Our reputation matters but our Character matters most”

Integrity is the center of our core values and the foundation of all we do.

The reputation of AVL reflects the ethical performance of its people and we aspire for honesty and commitment to be our cherished policies. Our actions are aligned with our words, and we embrace our responsibilities without wavering. Character is the one thing we are willing to bet on to protect what we do, our reputation and the legacy we hope to leave behind.